Palestine Relief Fund

On Dec 28
, Gaza Strip was ravaged by a brutal assault by Israeli forces that left most of its 1.5 million people unable to access its most basic rights – including medical supplies. Hospitals, bursting at the seams, find it difficult to cope as infrastructure was destroyed by bombings.

While we Malaysians are very lucky not to be is such a horrifying war zone, we should not only extend our sympathies but also offer help in any way that we can. It can be a simple pray to GOD, a blood donation to blood bank that MERCY Malaysia would fly to Palestine, etc. Believing in that, D's Cupcakes will donate 10 cents for each cupcake sold this Sunday during KLPac Open Day to MERCY Malaysia Palestine Relief Fund that will aid in treating war victims.

This is an opportunity for you to do some good deeds. So head out this Sunday, 18th January to KLPac at Sentul, 10 am - 5 pm to buy as many cupcakes that you can afford.